Windows Server 2012 Server Groups

Windows Server 2012 Server Groups

May 20, 2013 0 By Eric Shanks

One of the new features in the latest version of Windows Server is the ability to create server groups.  When you open the server manager you’ll see some server group options on the dashboard.  You can add other servers to manage, or create a new group.  Also, pay attention to the “Roles and Server Groups” section at the bottom of the screen which shows some of the server groups that were already set up.


If you click the “Create a server group” link, a new dialog box will open and show you what servers are currently in the server pool.  Slide over to the Active Directory Tab.



Here, I just hit the “Find Now” button which showed me all of my servers in my domain, but you can filter this by name if you’d like by entering it into the CN box.

I highlighted some servers that I wanted to put into a group, then hit the –> button.  Lastly, I gave this group the name “HollowGroup”.



Click OK and you’ll have a new group created.  If you look under the “Roles and Groups” section of the dashboard, you’ll notice that I have a new card listed “HollowGroup”.  That group also shows some alarms.servergroups4


If you click on the newly created card, you’ll get some more detailed information about the servers is that group.  In my case, you’ll notice I have an alarm listed and that’s because the server manager can’t communicate with a couple of my servers in the group (They’re 2008R2 servers and not Server 2012).  To use Windows Server 2008R2 servers in your group, you want to make sure that WinRM 3.0 is installed and running.


If you run the add Roles and Feature wizard from the dashboard, you’ll also notice that you now have the ability to add these rolesfeatures to any member of the group, without having to log in directly.
