VMworld twitter statistics

VMworld twitter statistics

September 2, 2013 5 By Eric Shanks

I’ve been interested in using twitter’s API to do some analytic analysis of things lately.  If you’re interested in this as well, there are several sites that can help you do you’re own queries, or use the Microsoft Office analytic tool.  Here are some interesting stats about VMworld.


#VMWORLD stats

hashVMWord1 hashVMWord2 hashVMWord3










#vExpert Stats

hashvexpert1  hashvexpert3 hashvexpert4 hashVexpert5 hashvexpert7

I also thought it might be worth looking at where the vExperts call home (assuming geolocation was turned on and accurate, Yes, I’m talking to you Josh Andrews)

josh vExpertsbyTwitter Geotags


#VCDX stats

Disclaimer:  The VCDX Stats were taken on the day before the new VCDX’s were added.  I’m sure if I’d ran this query 2 days later, the stats would be vastly different.

hashVCDX1 hashVCDX2 hashVCDX3 hashVCDX5 hashVCDX7