Thank You

Thank You

April 7, 2015 0 By Eric Shanks

The vSphere-land top virtualization blog voting is now over and was voted #35 which is up from number forty last year.  I wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone who voted for the site.  There are very few rewards for all the time that is spent posting content, but seeing that the hard work is benefiting others, and is useful to the community, are among the top for sure.

I started blogging because I thought I owed the community some of my experiences since I’d gotten so much value out of other bloggers posts over the years.  I’ve found that sharing information has helped me stay current on new offerings, as well as gaining a deeper understanding of technologies.  Continuing to put out content on a regular basis is time consuming, but it’s all worth it when someone posts a thank you for an article that’s helped them.

In addition I’d like to take the opportunity to thank all of the sponsors that have contributed to theITHollow over the past year.  You help pay the bills and keep the blog posts coming along.  I certainly hope you find value in the investments as well.




