Virtual Simulators
February 19, 2013If you’re an engineer and you’re trying to get more experience with a variety of different storage devices, you might find yourself in a bit of a pickle. Most customers settle one one or two storage vendors and that’s it. So if you work for one of these companies you can learn EMC or Netapp, etc. I highly doubt your company would be interested in purchases a few different types of storage devices so that you can learn them as they are quite expensive.
If you want to test out your skills in a non-production environment or just want to see how things work, I suggest downloading simulators to get some hands on experience. This might be a good idea if you’re considering purchasing a product as well.
Below is a list of simulators and where you can find them. I’ve also added a few server and network simulators as well in case you are interested. Happy Testing!
May require a PowerLink account
- Celerra
- Clariion CX (requires a form filled out)
- Navisphere (requires a form filled out)
May require a NOW account
- HP EVA P6000
- StoreVirtualLefthandP4000 – 60dayTrial
- HP Virtual Connect Simulator – (For Channel Partners only. Login required)
- Cisco UCS Simulator (CCO Login required)
- GNS3 – A great CCNA study tool!
If you have any other resources for simulators, please post them in the comments! I’m sure there are other great simulators out there that will be useful to the community.
Have you seen this one? vCenter Server Simulator: http://www.virtuallyghetto.com/2012/12/vcenter-server-simulator.html
Nice post! I have downloaded just about every single simulator/emulator here. Now I just need to go buy a NetApp filer and EMC VNX and get real hands on
[…] https://theithollow.com/2013/02/storage-simulators/ […]
virl.cisco.com, it’s not free but its pretty awesome. You can simulate almost the entire cisco product line with it.