Tech Field Day Extra

Tech Field Day Extra

August 20, 2014 1 By Eric Shanks

TFD-Extra-Logo-150 VMworld2014-tfd

Hey! You got your VMworld in my Tech Field Day!

The makers of Tech Field Day are having an “Extra” set of sessions at VMworld 2014 this year in San Francisco.

As you may already know, the Tech Field Day group gets together a set of delegates to engage with some vendors about a variety of solutions.  These discussions are all streamed live, as well as posted for later viewing.  The discussions are to be technical in nature and can be directed in a much different path than a normal “set” presentation.

As I mentioned, it’s streamed live and the delegates will all be very active on Twitter, I assure you.  If you have questions for any of the presenters, please feel free to tweet your questions and I’m sure someone will pass along the query.

Since this is done during VMworld the setting is slightly different.  In my case, I’m only a delegate for one day – Monday and other groups will be around for Tuesday and Wednesday.  Don’t let the fact that I’m not a delegate on either of those days discourage you from participating.  🙂  I can promise you that all of the delegates are very sharp and will be great to watch.

Monday’s list of presenters is below.  Uh …oh, there is a secret company that you’ll need to tune in to find out who they are!
