Using YTT to Customize TKG Deployments

Using YTT to Customize TKG Deployments

November 9, 2020 1 By Eric Shanks

If you’ve worked with Kubernetes for very long, you’ve surely run into a need to manage YAML files. There are a bunch of options out there with their own benefits and drawbacks. One of these tools is called ytt and comes as part of the Carvel tools (formerly k14s).

If you’re working with the Tanzu Kubernetes Grid product from VMware, you’re likely to be using ytt to mange your TKG YAML manifests. This post aims to help you get started with using ytt for your own customizations.

How Does YTT Work?

Before we get too far, you’re going to need to know some basics about how ytt works. There are a ton of things ytt can do for you to update yaml manifests so we’ll only cover a few that are commonly used by TKG to get started. If you want to learn more, please check out the Carvel tools page and their examples which you can play with on your own.


One of the main things that TKG uses ytt for is the use of overlays. An overlay file describes how another YAML manifests should be altered. In this way, we can take a normal YAML manifest such as a Kubernetes Deployment file, and make changes to the “base” template with whats in the overlay template. TKG uses overlays to alter the default TKG deployment files. This can be really handy to alter your TKG deployments to include your own customizations like adding web proxies, or custom registries which we’ll see later.

Here’s our first example of a basic substitutions using non tech files. The file below is the “BASE” template which we’ll alter with our overlay files.

pizzatype: thin

apiVersion: v1
kind: meal
  time: morning
  meal: breakfast
    drinks: coffee
    food: pancakes
apiVersion: v2
kind: meal
  time: noon
  meal: lunch
    drinks: tea
    food: hotdog
      - ketchup

We’ll also create a values file which will be used to store some custom variables that we might want to reference later on. That values file can be seen below.

pizza: deep dish
breakfast_side: bacon
breakfast_food: waffles
breakfast_drinks: coffee

condiments: #@ ["mustard", "onions", "pickle spear", "tomatoes", "celery salt", "relish"]

Our first job will be to create an overlay file that can change the pizzatype entry in the base template. To do this we’ll create our first overlay file where the goal will be to replace the pizzatype value of thin to the correct value of Deep Dish.

Here is our first overlay file. Lets take a look at some of the entries here for our first file.

  • Line1 – Used to load the overlay modules for ytt
  • Line2 – Used to load the data values from our variables file
  • Line3 – Used to find a section in our base template. In this case looking for a key/value pair of pizzatype:thin
  • Line5 – Command to replace the values found in the line below
  • Line6 – What we want the pizzatype value to be and it retrieves that value from the values file. The value in that file is deep dish
#@ load("@ytt:overlay", "overlay")
#@ load("@ytt:data", "data")
#@overlay/match by=overlay.subset({"pizzatype": "thin"})
pizzatype: #@

Lets look at the results of running these files through ytt. I’ve installed the ytt binary and ran ytt -f values.yaml -f overlay.yaml -f meals.yaml

As you can see from the results below the key pizzatype has a new value from the base template. Now its properly set to deep dish

pizzatype: deep dish
apiVersion: v1
kind: meal
  time: morning
  meal: breakfast
    drinks: coffee
    food: pancakes
apiVersion: v2
kind: meal
  time: noon
  meal: lunch
    drinks: tea
    food: hotdog
    - ketchup

Lets keep going. Next, we’ll take a look at the breakfast section which looks more like a Kubernetes YAML structure just to get familiar with it. In this case, we need to do a couple of things. First, we’ll replace pancakes with waffles and we’ll add a side of bacon.

Let’s update the existing overlay file so it looks like the code below.

#@ load("@ytt:overlay", "overlay")
#@ load("@ytt:data", "data")
#@overlay/match by=overlay.subset({"pizzatype": "thin"})
pizzatype: #@

#@overlay/match by=overlay.subset({"spec":{"meal":"breakfast"}})
    #@overlay/match missing_ok=True
    side: #@ data.values.breakfast_side
    food: waffles
    drinks: coffee

Notice that in the overlay file above, we have a new match condition where we’re looking for {"spec":{"meal":"breakfast"}} in our base template. If ytt finds this section we want to update the base template with our new values. You can see that food should be waffles and a new item named side is added and the values come from the values file. Also notice that food was hard coded and didn’t come from any other value files.

The result of running the ytt commands (ytt -f values.yaml -f overlay.yaml -f meals.yaml) are:

pizzatype: deep dish
apiVersion: v1
kind: meal
  time: morning
  meal: breakfast
    drinks: coffee
    food: waffles
    side: bacon
apiVersion: v2
kind: meal
  time: noon
  meal: lunch
    drinks: tea
    food: hotdog
    - ketchup

And one last example, where we’ll update lunch. The lunch items from our base template have food: hotdog which is fine Chicago food, but the condiments are clearly the wrong values. In this case we’ll update our overlay file to pass a list of values for condiments.

Here is our updated overlay file.

#@ load("@ytt:overlay", "overlay")
#@ load("@ytt:data", "data")
#@overlay/match by=overlay.subset({"pizzatype": "thin"})
pizzatype: #@

#@overlay/match by=overlay.subset({"spec":{"meal":"breakfast"}})
    #@overlay/match missing_ok=True
    side: #@ data.values.breakfast_side
    food: waffles
    drinks: coffee

#@overlay/match by=overlay.subset({"spec":{"items":{"food":"hotdog"}}}), expects="0+"
    food: hotdog
    condiments: #@ data.values.condiments

In this case the overlay has a new matching object {"spec":{"items":{"food":"hotdog"}}} which says that our overlay commands will effect items where food = hotdog, but nothing else. You’ll notice here that there is a , expects="0+" command which states that it won’t error out if it can’t find hotdog. Think about it, this routine isn’t needed if the food type is a hamburger or something. We only want to update if the food item is a hotdog. Then we can apply the appropriate condiments.

pizzatype: deep dish
apiVersion: v1
kind: meal
  time: morning
  meal: breakfast
    drinks: coffee
    food: waffles
    side: bacon
apiVersion: v2
kind: meal
  time: noon
  meal: lunch
    drinks: tea
    food: hotdog
    - mustard
    - onions
    - pickle spear
    - tomatoes
    - celery salt
    - relish

Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Customizations

Now that you’ve had a crash course in ytt you can use some of your new skills, and some additional help from the Carvel tools site, to customize a TKG deployment. This has been written about before such as this post from Chip Zoller when he used ytt to add a custom image registry. Below are some additional customizations that I’ve commonly built for customers, and you may find useful when deploying your Tanzu Kubernetes Grid clusters within your own environment.

Custom Image Registry Settings

The file below was created in the providers/infrastucture-[cloud]/ytt folder to specify a custom image registry for the containerd daemon. You would need to replace your own image registry settings within the file.

#@ load("@ytt:overlay", "overlay")

#@overlay/match by=overlay.subset({"kind":"KubeadmControlPlane"}), expects="1+"
kind: KubeadmControlPlane
    #@overlay/match missing_ok=True
      - path: /etc/containerd/config.toml
        content: |
          version = 2
              sandbox_image = ""
                    endpoint = ["http://harbor.hollow.local"]

#@ load("@ytt:overlay", "overlay")

#@overlay/match by=overlay.subset({"kind":"KubeadmConfigTemplate"}), expects="1+"
kind: KubeadmConfigTemplate
    #@overlay/match missing_ok=True
      - path: /etc/containerd/config.toml
        content: |
          version = 2
              sandbox_image = ""
                    endpoint = ["http://harbor.hollow.local"]

Set Web Proxies for TKG Control Plane Nodes

The file below was created in the providers/infrastructure-[cloud]/ytt folder. You would need to update the proxy and no_proxy rules for your own environment.

#@ load("@ytt:overlay", "overlay")

#@overlay/match by=overlay.subset({"kind":"KubeadmControlPlane"}), expects="1+"
kind: KubeadmControlPlane
    #@overlay/match missing_ok=True
    #! Add HTTP_PROXY to containerd configuration file
    - echo '[Service]' > /etc/systemd/system/containerd.service.d/http-proxy.conf
    - echo 'Environment="HTTP_PROXY="' >> /etc/systemd/system/containerd.service.d/http-proxy.conf
    - echo 'Environment="NO_PROXY=.hollow.local,,localhost,,kubernetes.default.svc,.svc,,,,"' >> /etc/systemd/system/containerd.service.d/http-proxy.conf
    - echo 'PROXY_ENABLED="yes"' > /etc/sysconfig/proxy
    - echo 'HTTP_PROXY=""' >> /etc/sysconfig/proxy
    - echo 'NO_PROXY=".hollow.local,,localhost,,kubernetes.default.svc,.svc,,,,"' >> /etc/sysconfig/proxy
    - systemctl daemon-reload
    - systemctl restart containerd

Setting Web Proxies for TKG Worker Nodes

The file below was created in the providers/infrastructure-[cloud]/ytt folder. You would need to update the proxy and no_proxy rules for your own environment.

#@ load("@ytt:overlay", "overlay")

#@overlay/match by=overlay.subset({"kind":"KubeadmConfigTemplate"}), expects="1+"
kind: KubeadmConfigTemplate
      #@overlay/match missing_ok=True
      #! Add HTTP_PROXY to containerd configuration file
      - echo '[Service]' > /etc/systemd/system/containerd.service.d/http-proxy.conf
      - echo 'Environment="HTTP_PROXY="' >> /etc/systemd/system/containerd.service.d/http-proxy.conf
      - echo 'Environment="NO_PROXY=.hollow.local,,localhost,,kubernetes.default.svc,.svc,,,,"' >> /etc/systemd/system/containerd.service.d/http-proxy.conf
      - echo 'PROXY_ENABLED="yes"' > /etc/sysconfig/proxy
      - echo 'HTTP_PROXY=""' >> /etc/sysconfig/proxy
      - echo 'NO_PROXY=".hollow.local,,localhost,,kubernetes.default.svc,.svc,,,,"' >> /etc/sysconfig/proxy
      - systemctl daemon-reload
      - systemctl restart containerd

Using Internal Load Balancers within AWS

Sometimes you don’t want to expose your TKG cluster with a Public IP Address. To deploy internal load balancers, this config can be added to your providers/infrastructure-aws/ytt folder.

#@ load("@ytt:overlay", "overlay")

#@overlay/match by=overlay.subset({"kind":"AWSCluster"})
#! Use a Private Load Balancer instead of the default Load Balancers
kind: AWSCluster
  #@overlay/match missing_ok=True
    scheme: internal


This was a long post and it required you to learn a little ytt but now you should have a good start on customizing your Tanzu Kubernetes Grid deployments. Cluster-API does a great job of deploying Kubernetes clusters, but there are always customizations that you will need to make to integrate it into your environments. I hope the primer and examples from this post will be enough to get you on your way to building your own customizations.